Chakra Super Flow Master workshop in Calgary

1:30 pm - 04:00 pm

Yoga and Science both say that we are all made of energy and that the material world is a reflection of the spiritual world.

Our Chakras or energy centres within us that draw life force from the unified field can get blocked by unprocessed emotions and stagnant energy therefore hindering the growth process of reaching our full potential.

Come release blockages held within physically and energetically, invite vibrancy and radiancy in the space created, and reset yourself anew in this powerful yet playful Vinyasa flow.

Join Eddy for this powerful two and a half hour Vinyasa flow. You will be lead through his signature style dynamic fluid flows peppered with plenty of arm balances and inversions along the way.

During this practice, each Chakra or energy vortex will be opened and cleared therefore allowing Prana or life-force to reawaken your energetic body. Be prepared to awaken the physical body while working on building your strength and developing flexibility.

Come to playfully push your healthy edges to groovy beats, dancing through flowing asanas while linking breath with movement.
All levels welcome as modifications will be provided.

For full details or to register contact the studios or check out the links attached.

Passage Studios 403-277-3058